How many sessions will I need?
Hypnotherapy is individualised treatment which is uniquely tailored to each person’s needs; therefore, it is not possible to say with any clarity how many sessions you will need. On a very general basis, if you are very motivated to make the change that you want to make and you carry out all of the homework in-between sessions, then we would normally be looking at 4-6 sessions.
How much do sessions cost:
You can either pay for sessions individually as you go along or a block of either 4 or 6 sessions can be paid for at a discounted price. All payments are due at the time of booking. If any subsequent sessions are required, they will be charged at any initial discounted rate. Any session(s) not required (excluding the stop smoking and weight control set programs) will be refunded as per the terms and conditions.
1 Session £ 70.00
Block of 4 Sessions £260.00 (equivalent to £65.00 per session)
Block of 6 Sessions £360.00 (equivalent to £60.00 per session)
Stop Smoking Program-1 £195.00 (1 session (up to 3 hours + free follow-up if required– set fee)
Stop Smoking Program-2 £245.00 (2 sessions (up to 1.5 hours + free follow-up if required– set fee)
Weight Control Program £400.00 (8 sessions – set fee)
Past Life Regression £100.00 (1 session – 2 hours)
To book a session please contact me