Terms & Conditions
You agree to be hypnotised for therapeutic reasons
You accept that treatment is offered on the basis of the information that you supply and affirm is complete and truthful
You are advised to speak to your doctor about your symptoms
Having spoken to your doctor you can confirm that they have no objections to you having hypnotherapy
I will always do my best to help you achieve a successful outcome to your therapy. However, you understand that no guarantees can be offered.
Non-attendance: appointments can be cancelled or rescheduled; 24 hours’ notice is required. If you fail to attend without notice you will be liable to pay the full of the cost of the session. If you arrive more than 5 minutes late you may have to shorten or reschedule your appointment.
You are free to end or withdraw from therapy at any time. Sessions paid for in advance but not used will be refunded on request - excluding the non-refundable plans for weight control and stop smoking - subject to the bullet point above. Refunds will reflect the actual price paid.
Anti-social behaviour will cause the immediate cessation of treatment.
The information you give me will be kept confidential unless one of the following applies:
There is a legal requirement for me to share information e.g. where the Children’s Act applies or a court order is issued
There is good cause to believe that not to disclose information would expose you or others to a serious risk of harm
I occasionally share anonymous case histories with other hypnotherapists or in hypnotherapy publications for the purposes of supervision or training. Anonymous means a story or outline of your situation is presented without any personal details; no information that might identify you is used. If you do not wish your information to be used in this way, please advise me accordingly
If you have any questions or complaints about your therapy, you agree to talk to me about them first. If we can’t resolve the situation satisfactorily you then have access to the formal complaint’s procedure of the General Hypnotherapy Register, 01590-683770.