Stop smoking
You’ve made the decision you want to stop smoking; you may have thought about it many times but done nothing about it or you may have tried before but it hasn’t worked. The fact that you are reading this now indicates that you are now in the right frame of mind to make to the next step.
Stop smoking:
Without Fear
Without feeling that you’re missing out
Without needing to avoid other smokers
Without the need or desire to smoke
As a non-smoker:
Feel healthier and happier
Find socialising just as enjoyable as you do as a smoker
Feel a sense of freedom
Feel able to enjoy life without cigarettes
Feel able to handle stress without the need to smoke
The stop smoking package offers a choice of:
Package 1: 1 x 3 hour session £195.00
Package 2: 2 x 1.5 hour sessions 245.00
In addition to the above you will receive:
2 x Personalised recordings, specific to your circumstances – These recordings enable you to reinforce the work we have done in the session(s) and gives you the freedom to listen to them, at any time, at your own convenience.
Exclusive access to additional background information of what we have covered during the session(s) – in written and audio format
1 x free follow-up session if required
If you want to stop smoking and want to undertake hypnotherapy to help support you through the change you want to make, so that you can live the life that you want to live, please contact me.